I mean in this blog thingy,
I enjoy reading other blogs..
They make me have a whole new perspective about stuff.
Stuff that sometimes I knew nothing about let alone heard of it…
(or stuff that I choose to ignore)
Dah banyak blog aku selak-selak,
ok tipu,
aku klik-klik,
baru ku sedar..
Bahasa Melayuku sungguh teruk!
My Bahasa Melayu sucks!
Sangat banyak perkataan-perkataan dan frasa-frasa yang aku tak faham maksudnya
Apatah lagi mendengarnya
Ok tipu lagi,
Apatah lagi membacanya..
Ni yang rasa cam malasssss jer nk ngaku Aku Melayu….
Tapi kulitku yg sawo matang ni lah bukti kukuh membezakan aku dari kaum-kaum lain yang sungguh banyak kat Malaysia ni…
And so I thought,
Why not making your own blog?
I bet I have a gazillion thing to say…
Who cares if it’s important or not?
Who cares if u you, yes you, might feel offended by it?
I don't usually give a damn
Why didn’t I do it long time ago?….
Ooh wait!
I think...
I don’t really know how to ‘write’,
My essay paper in SPM (in Bahasa or English) pon so-so jer resultnya..
I’m not so much of a sharer,
I’d like to keep all my feelings and thoughts all to myself…
I think I’m want to be outspoken..
So maybe by writing (so-calledlah) can makes me find my inner self and strength..
What strength?
I haven’t figure out that lil’ detail just yet…
I like said before I’m still searching okay?
If I found it, I’ll let u know ok?
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Just write!
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