Tuesday, March 4, 2008

I Am....

What you are is something that I’m not….
What I am is something that you’re not….

This is what you are:

Situation 1:
You use Myspace, Friendster, Facebook to seek for new friends or get in touch with old friend. And you can easily attract strangers to your page which seems really interested in getting to know you. They’ll leave a message or testimonial at your page like:

“hi, awak ni cutela…add me as ur fren?”
“hey there! Are u single?”

Situation 2:
While you are busy shopping, out of nowhere, comes a guy approaching you:

“Hai, siapa nama? Boleh kenal ataupun tidak?
Duduk kat mana? Dengan siapa?
Ada handphone? apa nombornya?
Bolehkah kita bersama?”

Situation 3
Kawan kepada kawan anda (a friend of a friend) ingin berkenalan dengan anda setelah melihat gambar anda didalam kamera digital kawan anda ketika dia menghadiri Perjumpaan Semula (reunion) sekolahnya.

Boy A(sambil membelek digicam Kawan Anda itu):
“eh sape ni?, member satu class ko ek? Aku nak berkenalan dgn dia bley? Cun ar dia”
Kawan Anda:
“mane? (Sambil merampas semula digicam itu dari tangan Boy A).owh dia ni? Boleh! Nanti aku ckp kt dia..”

And there you have it….
You got yourself another friend (that can be a candidate for your next boyfriend!)

Situasion 4
Your school or university are organizing an Open Day for your school or uni. And you are assigned to open food stall to raise money for your Study Trip to Singapore.
Your stall sells food like sandwich and Nasi Lemak which you and your friends cook by yourself together. Your Nasi Lemak is special because it got Telur Mata kerbau also.
One of your friend are frying the Telur Mata Kerbau while you are busy entertaining the hungry customer….
Kawan Anda: Gem, (bukan nama sebenar) telur goreng 2. Telur kuning tak nak masak sangat ek?
You: okeh! Comin right up!
After a few seconds….

You: Adeh! Minyak masuk mata!
And all of as sudden, one of your guy friend quickly grabbed the sudip from your hand and concern-ly say:

Boy A: “Are you ok? Mane sakit? Alah ciannyer..Apsal you tak suruh Chi Chi(bukan nama sebenar juga) jer yg goring. Kan dh kene minyak panas. Chi Chi apsal tak ko jer yang goreng? Kan Gem dah cedera ni!….

Sounds familiar aite?

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