Friday, December 17, 2010

Good News/Bad News

I'm in a race that I will never win......

*Bitter smile*

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Coffee Anyone?

Aku bermimpi indah semalam. Rasa seperti tidak mahu bangun dari mimpi indah itu.

Why would I want to wake up if in my dream, I have Taecyon as my boyfriend and I can fluently converse in Korean?

Iya, ini akibat menonton terlalu banyak 신 다 랠 라 언 니 sampai terbawa-bawa ke dalam mimpi. Haih!

Last week was chaotic, exhausting and laborious. Go through all painstaking detail to complete the KGSP form which lastly, I can’t submit it because they don’t accept the form by hand, they only accept the form via post only. And I was like…what the elf?

Not to mention the troubles and difficulties I have to endure in order to get the official envelope from my former lecturer. Janji nak jumpa dia pukul 8.30, sudahnya sampai 10.30 sebab jalan jammed gila, semua orang KL keluar berpesta muda-mudi kerana malam minggu esok cuti Hari Buruh. Damn!

Iya, sudahnya saya tidak menghantar Borang itu.

Setelah bung-bang-bung-bang (sound effect menunjukkan betapa chaotic nya situasi itu). Sepatutnya saya kecewa tahap gaban kerana impian saya musnah, tetapi entah mengapa saya tidak merasa marah atau furious.

Hey, if it’s not meant to be, then it’s not meant to be… right?

Mungkin aku pun dah berputus asa untuk Misi Mustahil ini, jadi aku pun redha je dengan apa yang berlaku. Mungkin ini bukan rezeki aku. Not this time, some other time. I always pray if this is my call, then the journey would be easy and smooth. Turn out, aku dah dapat tanda-tanda ini bukan rezeki aku dari awal lagi. Tapi aku je yang ignorant, tak peduli semua tanda-tanda itu. Padan muka aku. haha

Aku ada lagi 239 hari lagi untuk mencari peluang Misi Mustahil. Setakat ini Peluang Pertama (KGSP) dah terlepas. Aku ada 2 peluang lagi. Mari berusaha untuk Peluang Kedua dan Peluag Ketiga pula.

InsyaAllah kalau ada rezeki akan berjaya. Doakan aku…

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


semakin hari semakin malas mahu menulis disini.

buktinya, dah berbulan tiada entri baru...

nanti dah rajin, saya update ok? hehe

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


I'm starting to question my existence here....

p/s: I'm sooo not PMS-ing right now okay?

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Berita Buruk







Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Yup, I don’t think it’s late to wish everyone a happy new year. May all your wishes and hope comes true this year.

New year, new resolution….. NOT!

As far as I’m concern, I never had a really specific resolution for every year. My plan was always, do your best and just go with he flow.. well at least I had 5 years planning, 10 years planning and so on… and most of it is according to plan.

Well, I think for it all depends on your rezeki. If Allah say you’re gonna get it, you’ll get it. It’s something I have no power over of. I may have to struggle to get something, but in the end, truly Allah is the one to decide whether I got it or not.

And I am thankful for what I’ve got so far. There were days that I felt unlucky and started questioning about other people position, wealth and lucky-ness but now I realize, ‘rezeki masing-masing’…those day of envies are over.

So I hope for my path for this year is easy, with some ups and down, because really, that’s the only way to learn. I think a person with easy life is boring. Where’s the fun to that right? Hehe

Nevertheless, I wish everyone a blissful year ahead…. Aja aja hwaiting!